"Tonjours Pur"

Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Narrative Essay


          I realize that we better remember our friend’s name if we don’t want to be embarrassed in public. I did not mean that we have to remember everyone’s name, but at least we have to remember thus who we have talked with. Because when you caught up forgotten their names when they are exactly remember yours, well-that would be embarrassing.

            It was a sunny hectic day, when finally my TEFL class ended. I and my best friend, Indah decided to had lunch together at a food court near my boarding house. When we arrived at the court’s parking lot, there were a group of guys from another faculty. From a distance I realize that two of them looked so familiar, so I stood still. Seeing I paused, Indah asked “What happened?” I replied “I think I know two of them” “Who?” asked Indah. “That one I can’t remember” I said.
            I got used to greet people by their names due to respect them. It just felt wrong when someone that I know greets me by name but I do not. So that afternoon was so depressing. I kept wondering, tried to remember their names as I walked closer to the court. My fear became reality when we reached the court. They remembered me.
            “Hey Pipin, long time no see! Do you live around here? One of them asked. I startled. My brain exploded inside my head for unable to retrieve any information of this guy who just talked with me. I can felt my cheeks burning as sweat streaming down on my back.  So I was only able to say “Yes” weakly with a fake smile. Then I ordered my lunch quickly and picked the furthest spot from that group of boys. I still can feel that guy eye on my back. Surely he considered me as an arrogant person, I thought.
            As soon as I sat on my table, Indah confronted me. “Who is he?” “I don’t know!” I hissed rashly. “But he seemed know you very well!!” she replied in a same tone. “Yeah, but I can’t remember!” I shrieked. And just like a sudden storm, when I said that, a glimpse of memory enlightened me. I remembered them! They are my seniors in Executive Organization, Sukma and Okta. My cheeks turned red again as I realized that. How can I forget them? When I told Indah about it, she just laughed out loud. I felt so stupid. But sadly, things not ended there.
            When we finished our lunch and going to pay it, Sukma - apparently attempted to do the same – he poked me on the shoulder. “Hi” I dared myself to call his name. He smiled and said lightly “Haha.. I thought you have forgotten me back there” And after that, his friends laughed, and one of them exclaimed “Nah, your face is easily forgotten, Sukma!” and once again they are explode in hilarious laughter. I can feel my cheeks turned warmer for the third time. “Oh shut up” Sukma defended himself. It might be a joke for them, but that was so embarrassing for me. I just pretended to giggle and took my leave after saying goodbye.
            That was one embarrassing moment I have experienced. Greeting people is a part of respecting them. But of course you can’t properly greet them if you do not remember their name, especially thus who remember yours. It will hurt their feeling if you didn’t. Well, I think I just need to learn remembering all peoples’ name that I have talked with, so I wouldn’t experienced such an embarrassment again.

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