"Tonjours Pur"

Minggu, 31 Mei 2015

Cause & Effect Discussion

Staying up late in the night when we are at university is -perhaps- a characteristics of a college students itself. Well, i think there are many things that could lead us to stay up late (in university student's life)
- Assignment/Task. Yes, the excessive assignment given by the lecturers.
- Joining many student's organization, such as : HMJ, SMF, BEM/MPM, UKM (extracurricular). This could force us to stay    up late if there is any event/activity
- Enjoying the free-internet access.Especially thus who love to be in the virtual world
- Movie addiction. It require much time to watch a movie, right ? 
Its bad for our health, though - staying up late.

Cause &Effect Essay


            College life is surely one of the precious memories you might never forget in the future. There are certain things that usually describes this stage of our educational life, just like when get in touch with a particular unique lecturer (killer or perhaps lovable), learn about independency and responsibility, meet your future soul mate, etc. but one thing that is undeniable in this college life is : the exceedingly amount of the task. Well, this excessive task given by the lecturers usually leads to several effects for the students, such as : tendency to stay up late that could lead to even insomnia, rarely went home and meet family (for those who study outside their territory), until slight stress and depress.

Comparing & Constrasting Disscussion

Comparing Children in 1990's and Children Nowadays
I was born in 1995, and my little brother born in 2007. So when i asked whether what i do in my childhood is the same with my brother or not, i'll say "yes dear, its different, a lot."

Comparing & Contrasting Essay

            To spend 4 years of my life outside Denpasar is not exactly my dream from the beginning. Growing up in such a big city made me think there is no place to live in better than Denpasar. And yet, here in Singaraja I live to obtain my first educational degree. It has been 2 years –more or less- I lived here, and there are plenty of things that differentiate Singaraja, and Denpasar -my birthplace.

Narrative Discussion

My  Totally Best Holiday !!!
                Well, my totally best holiday miraculously happened when I'm on 1sth grade on my junior high school.

Narrative Essay


          I realize that we better remember our friend’s name if we don’t want to be embarrassed in public. I did not mean that we have to remember everyone’s name, but at least we have to remember thus who we have talked with. Because when you caught up forgotten their names when they are exactly remember yours, well-that would be embarrassing.

Descriptive Essay


          God creates us different from one another. He makes us unique, with every imperfection, all the strengths and weaknesses. We should notice our own strength and weakness. Why? Because by realizing them, we would know how to face every possible problem that we might find in our daily life.  I am as a human being, have notice my own strengths and weaknesses. I am a nationalist, a hard worker, but – unfortunately- an introvert.